Swamiji: Ay, and injunctions to abstain from killing as well. I have come across many a “religious heron”! * in India, who fed ants with sugar, and at the same time would not hesitate to bring ruin on his own brother for the sake of “filthy lucre”!ĭisciple: But in the Vedas as well as in the laws of Manu, there are injunctions to take fish and meat. The Buddhist tenet, “Non-killing is supreme virtue”, is very good, but in trying to enforce it upon all by legislation without paying any heed to the capacities of the people at large, Buddhism has brought ruin upon India.

During the decline of Buddhism in India, Hinduism took from her a few cardinal tenets of conduct and made them her own, and these have now come to be known as Vaishnavism. Swamiji: Buddhism and Vaishnavism are not two different things.

Look at the masses of our country! What a look of sadness on their faces and want of courage and enthusiasm in their hearts, with large stomachs and no strength in their hands and feet - a set of cowards frightened at every trifle!ĭisciple: Does the taking of fish and meat give strength? Why do Buddhism and Vaishnavism preach ” - Non-killing is the highest virtue”? Swamiji: Ay, take them, my boy! And if there be any harm in doing so, I will take care of that. Disciple: Pray, Swamiji, do tell me if there is any relation between the discrimination of food taken and the development of spirituality in man.ĭisciple: Is it proper or necessary to take fish and meat?